檔案大小:119.8 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
支援語言:俄文, 土耳其文, 希臘文, 德語, 法文, 瑞典文, 簡體中文, 義大利文, 英語, 荷蘭文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文, 韓語
This App will be available in June 2019.
TPS’s premier meeting is its Annual Symposium - a gathering of leaders of the international protein science community. Structured with two concurrent sessions and spanning 3.5 days, the Annual Symposium features a multitude of opportunities for networking, plentiful speaking slots for selected early-career scientists, and unique workshops for students and educators alike.
The Protein Society's 2019 Annual Symposium will take place from June 30 - July 3 in Seattle, Washington.